Green Cities of YOUth

Increasing the role of young people in the development of sustainable cities





  • Beyond One's Plate

    Intercultural exchange by joint cooking

    Cooking connects - across cultures! This is the idea of the organisation "Über den Tellerrand kochen". At joint cooking events,

  • Bike Bridge

    Free cycling lessons and bike repair

    "Bike Bridge" activities are focussed on giving free bike lessons and bike repair workshops for community members who do not have

  • Bike Cinema or Disco

    Pedal-powered energy

    Bike cinema is a unique concept that involves using bicycles to power a mobile cinema. The idea behind bike cinema is to create an environmentally

  • Carrot Mobs

    Buying campaign to promote climate protection

    A Carrotmob campaign is the opposite of a boycott: a group of people spends money to support a business, and in return the

  • Clean-Up

    Joint collection of trash

    A clean-up day is an organized event in which volunteers gather to clean up and beautify a public space, such as a park, beach, river, or

  • Climate Escape Game

    Educational Escape Rooms for Climate Change

    An escape game, also known as an escape room, is a type of puzzle-based game in which players are locked in a themed room or series of rooms

  • Community Garden

    Intercultural Garden/ Intergenerational Garden


  • Critical Mass

    Demonstration by bike to claim street space

    "Critical Mass" bike tours are a form of direct action, appealing to councils, governments and road planners to stop

  • Fashion Swap

    Find new favourite clothes

    Call it clothing swap party, fashion exchange party or similar - the basic idea is the same: to clear off your wardrobe of those clothes,

  • Green Mapping

    Citizens explore and share "green aspects"

    The making of the original Green Map in New York City was inspired by the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992. The purpose was

  • Movie Festival

    Documentary film workshops, e.g. on food issues

    A film festival all about sustainable food and agriculture. The various short films and documentaries are made by children

  • Parking Day

    Small parks in parking lots

    Parking lots in cities take up far more of the available open space than do parks and places allocated for people. Park(ing) day is an annual

  • Reclaim The Streets

    Pop-up parties in public space

    "Reclaim the streets" is a slogan and movement that originated in the United Kingdom in the 1990s. The movement advocates for the use of

  • Regions in Transition

    Community based solutions

    Think globally - act locally. That is the idea behind the project "Regions in transition". During a guided process, the citzens in a region come

  • Repair Café

    Repair instead of throwing away

    Repair Cafés (already over 2,200 worldwide) are openly accessible community places and they’re all about repairing things (together).

  • Seed Swap

    Share seeds from heirloom plants

    Many crops are nowadays threatened with extinction or have already disappeared. At the same time old seeds are often much better adapted

  • Solidary Restaurant

    Food from the community for the community

    Fair, regional and sustainable - that's what this restaurant is all about, too. The daily changing menu (vegan or vegetarian) is

  • Walking Bus

    Safe way to school for young children

    The Walking Bus is designed to encourage people from a specific demographic in the community to walk together to a centralised

  • Youth Council

    Young councillors with speaking rights

    A youth council is a group of young people who come together to discuss and work on issues that affect their communities. These
