Green Cities of YOUth

Increasing the role of young people in the development of sustainable cities





  • Clean-Up

    Joint collection of trash

    A clean-up day is an organized event in which volunteers gather to clean up and beautify a public space, such as a park, beach, river, or

  • Edible City

    Urban vegetation for all

    In Germany, the City of Andernach was a front runner "Edible City" with their garden project started in 2010, but in the meantime the idea has

  • Energy Saving Campaign in Schools

    Motivating youth to save electricity

    This project aims to promote energy savings in schools. The students are learning actively and applying ways to reduce their resource

  • Nature Science Week for School Children

    Scientific and technical education for kids

    Children are taken for a week to nature where the learning is done through innate learning motivation of Children. The basic

  • Rainwater Harvesting

    Collecting rainwater from rooftops

    Installation of simple systems to harvest and store rainwater from the roof on a household level. The water can be used for irrigation.

  • Urban Bee Keeping

    Support open pollination

    More than 80% of crops and flowering plants in Europe depend directly on bees for their pollination. Without bees, we risk losing significantly

  • Walking Bus

    Safe way to school for young children

    The Walking Bus is designed to encourage people from a specific demographic in the community to walk together to a centralised

  • Water Explorer

    Motivating youth for water protection

    Water Explorer is a fun, inspiring and multilingual programme that invites young people aged 8-14 years to team up with their classmates, in year
