Green Cities of YOUth

Increasing the role of young people in the development of sustainable cities





Green Tourism

Making the green areas near municipalities accessible in sustainable ways

Green or sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that focuses on minimizing the impact on the environment and promoting sustainable practices. Green tourism seeks to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect the natural and cultural resources of a destination. Green tourism can benefit both tourists and the local communities they visit. For tourists, green tourism provides an opportunity to experience nature and cultural heritage in a responsible and sustainable way. For local communities, green tourism can provide economic benefits and promote environmental and cultural preservation. Green tourism includes several forms of practices or activties such as reducing transport-related carbon emissions, reducing waste, implementation of water conservation measures, use of local and organic food and promotion of nature hikes and trails.

Costs: €€ - €€€ (may include larger infrastructural costs and marketing costs)

Reclaim The Streets

Pop-up parties in public space

"Reclaim the streets" is a slogan and movement that originated in the United Kingdom in the 1990s. The movement advocates for the use of public space for community events, such as street parties, festivals, and other forms of public gathering. The movement seeks to challenge the dominance of cars and other vehicles in urban environments and promote alternative forms of transportation, such as walking, biking, and public transit. The concept of "reclaiming the streets" is rooted in the idea that public space should be used for the benefit of all members of the community, rather than primarily serving the needs of motorists. A "Reclaim the streets" event primarily addresses neighbours but is also open to the broad public. During the day, cars are banned from the streets where now children can play and tables and seats invite for a chat. Cultural activties and food stands often are part of the programme. 

Costs: € - €€ costs can include staff, printing..)


Parking Day

Small parks in parking lots

Parking lots in cities take up far more of the available open space than do parks and places allocated for people. Park(ing) day is an annual campaign where people across the world temporarily repurpose curbside parking spaces and convert them into public parks and social spaces to advocate for safer, greener, and more equitable streets for people. The area can be covered by an artificial grass and decorated with trees, bushes or flowers (in containers) and chairs or sofas. Anyone can come to relax and enjoy the temporary community areas which are freed from cars at least this one day a year.

Costs: € (Costs of the parking spot for the day)



Mobile Tree Alley

Mobile trees on the street

Where streets are grey with concrete, and quickly heating up in summers, Mobile Tree Alleys can be a good solution to provide green and shade, to filter dust and and remove some of the CO2 emissions. Small to midsize trees in containers are positioned on or alongside the pavement - if they fit on rolling boards, you can kick-off the involvement of neighbours by organising a parade to move them in. Ideally, each tree has a volunteered patron who waters it every day; and in some cities benches are placed around the trees. After a testing phase, the alley-in-boxes can be replaced by planting of bigger trees, and the Mobile Tree Alley might move on to another grey street.

Costs: €€